Chef Megan LaVigne

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the best go-to red wine tomato pasta sauce

Photo by: The Culinary Nest

This sauce comes together QUICKLY and lends itself to one of the most flavorful red sauces. I actually think this could even go well as a pizza sauce by adding more tomato paste and thickening it up. It’s going to make it into your rotation, I’m sure of it.

This sauce can be poured onto absolutely anything and I will eat it. I mean, really… it’s super good and SUPER simple to make! First, it doesn’t need hours of simmering on the stove to have an amazing depth of flavor. Second, it has red wine in it… and that alone should convincing enough to make it because you know you’ll get to enjoy the rest of the bottle yourself.

The pasta pictured above is orecchiette pasta with browned sweet & spicy Italian sausage, lightly steamed broccoli and is topped with fresh grated parmesan cheese. This sauce has endless possibilities- choose your favorite pasta, protein & veggies and go for it!


4-6 servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes


3-4 tablespoons EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

6-8 garlic cloves, minced

2 28oz. cans crushed San Marzano tomatoes

1 cup dry red wine

1/2 cup tomato paste

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning


  1. Start by heating a medium sized sauce pan over medium heat. Add the EVOO and the garlic cloves, stir for one minute until fragrant. Next, add the tomatoes and their juices, the red wine, tomato paste, crushed red pepper, salt, pepper & Italian seasoning.

  2. Let simmer for at least 25-30 minutes on low to meld the flavors together, thicken and burn out the alcohol from the red wine. This is a great time to prep your pasta noods, meats & veggies that you are adding to this sauce.

  3. Taste one last time for seasoning. If it needs more salt, pepper, crushed red pepper or Italian seasoning add it.

  4. That’s it! Put it all together, cuddle up with the rest of that red wine and enjoy.

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