Posts tagged heavy cream
truffle palomino strozzapreti

My most favorite pasta dish from a local restaurant is this creamy, tomato based, flavorful strozzapreti that is laced with sausage & finished with a drizzle of truffle oil. My love for it is so strong that I just couldn’t resist being able to have it at my fingertips any time I want… so here is exactly that. This recipe is EASY guys, seems fancy I know, but so EASY.

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creamy orecchiette with bacon & peas

Okay yes, this is a tad bit sinful, but I promise this guilty pleasure is worth every bite! And hey, we work hard and deserve to indulge every now and then. There is no judgement here in the nest! This pasta is creamy to perfection and laced with the flavor of fresh lemon juice in every bite. It’s truly worth it.

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